The main purpose of the Elderly Association in Tulsa is to provide necessary services. Our only focus is to provide news and services to the Vietnamese community in Tulsa. Support services such as doctor / hospital check-in, visits, interpretation, green card application, citizenship, job search, health insurance, housing and government assistance programs, etc. .. Here are some of the seniors' services in Tulsa
Members are free to advertise (bussiness Listing) in the website.
The seniors were founded with the aim of being a joint-share to build a bridge to connect the Vietnamese community in Tulsa. Information about the community will be posted on the homepage. Please contact Ms. Phuoc to know more about the services, information for Vietnamese in Tulsa.
You will be notified to any community event in Tulsa, such as the Vietnamese festivals (TET, Vu LAN, mid-Autumn, Thanksgiving, nesting etc...). Dining venues, shopping and other services such as automobile repairs, home repairs, Asian food markets, interior booth, restaurants, eateries, organizations of the Vietnamese community.... Etc...
For more information about Seniors Association in Tulsa, OK as advertising, classifieds, business directory, Services.... Etc... Please contact Mrs. PHUOC Tran (918) 808-5836
Classifieds are available with small donations. This donation will be used to help the cost of the club member
Small business listings are available in this site. Donations will be used to help us provide more services to club members
Community activities, events, organizations, entertainment, fairs, festivals... Etc.. will be posted on this site
For more information and services provided, please let us know
FOUNTAIN VALLEY, California (NV) – Chiều Thứ Sáu, 25 Tháng Năm, đông đảo đồng hương đến dự Hội Chợ Dịch Vụ Cộng Đồng, do Hội Ung Thư Việt Mỹ (VACF) ....
Vietnamese cuisine doesn't win any points for complexity. Many of the most popular dishes can be made just as well on the side of the road as in a top-end restaurant.
Mỹ là một miền đất của các cơ hội và một trong những cơ hội đó là việc được sống trong môi trường tiên tiến với các chính sách xã hội tốt. ....